Sunday, October 17, 2010


So, As I have mentioned before, I have completed my recent cross-stitch project. My mum bought this design for me years ago, but it has taken me a while to complete it, mainly due to my interests in other things (such as good grades in school). But after all this time, I have finished it and I love the end result.

I think the message "Hang in there!" is very cute, especially with the kitten and mouse. It took my a while but the time spent was totally worth it. The best part, I think, was that the hanger came with the design! Now all I need to do is find some where to hang it up. 
Now that I've finished this cross-stitching, I will be moving onto more complicated designs, but not before I get one more out of the way. When in England earlier this year, I bought a design of a stained glass window, to make a bookmark out of. I have started that, and while it is a very simple design, something that won't take me long at all, I'm in need of a decent bookmark, considering how many books I read (IE; a lot!). But after that, my next cross-stitching project will be a portrait of a tiger! Tiger's are my favourite animal and since mum wouldn't let me buy a larger portrait of a tiger mum and her cub from Fox Collection, I went down to Spotlight and found a simpler one of just a tiger's head. Simpler, yet still a step up from "Hang in there!"
However, I have promised mum that I will refrain from beginning it until after my WAAPA audition. But I can tell you, my hands are itching to start it! :P


  1. Lovely cross stitch finish,Bec.
    I do quilling as well as cross stitch
    is my stitching blog

  2. Thanks Bronwyn. :) My mum got me into cross-stitching. My nan was the one who got me into knitting! :P Cross-stitching is such a lovely form of art and because you yourself are stitching it, while it may be someone elses design, it's still your finished artwork.
