Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This is the scarf I ahve just finished knitting. It has taken me forever though, because I'd knit a bit, then get bored, come back to it a few months later and knit some more. But Percerverance has paid off and I know have a nice new scarf to wear. The wool I used is quite interesing. Being forever since I bought it I'm not quite sure what type it is but while it is very soft and beautiful to touch, it's a bit of a pain to knit as it is very slippery on teh needles. I've just used the basic knit stitch, as when I started this scarf, that was all I knew. Next on my list of things to complete is my cross-stitch, which I might get out tonight and have a crack at. But that will take much longer to complete it as I have only just started that. My next knitting project however will be a blanket. I'm thinking of getting a few different colours of wool and stitching squares and then sewing the squares together to make a funky patchwork rug. Hope it works out! :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Blog writing

So who knew blog writing could be so hard? Well I find it hard anyway. I decided to start this blog because I have a lot to say on everything and I would like to share these thoughts with a wider world than that of my own mind. You see, when I am doing something, like knitting (as I was just now) my mind tends to go off on tangents. I start thinking about things that I've heard about today, or recently (IE, the Australian election) and I have opinions of them. I want to write (or in this case type) my opinions down, but while my arguments are well formed in my head, when it does come to typing them out, they sound weak and unsupported and just plain silly. Why is this? Could it be some kind of writers block? It could be for all I know. This is why I have decided to write this post, to talk about something. I guess I'll just blabber on and you can decide on what it's on.

I like to think I am a very creative person. Well in fact I know I am a very creative person, I have an imagination and I imagine all kinds of things with it (no shit hey?) But I find it hard to concentrate on one form of creativity. I'm talking about hobbies, such as drawing, or knitting or cross-stitching, cake decorating, quilling, writing, all kinds of things! (and yes, these are the hobbies I do have an interest in) For example, I would love to be able to draw really well. So I have a book that teaches you how to draw. But unfortunately I still can't draw. I love cross-stitching, I find the end results to be beautiful and it's an interesting form of art to hang on your wall, but I have none hanging on my wall that I have completed. Then we move to quilling. I was taught quilling back in primary school and this year I have rekindled that love for it by buying a book on how to quill. The same with knitting, I have had my nan teach me different stitches and I have looked at different designs in books to complete. But I have no finished work from any of my hobbies. This is because I have a very short attention span and in no time, I am bored again and need to find something new to satisfy my creative needs.

In saying this however, there is one hobby that has stuck by me, and that I one day hope to turn into a career. Acting. Every since 2004 I have loved being on a stage, in front of an audience telling a story to them. I guess it's understandable as I do tend to like being the centre of attention among my friends and family, and I have found a way to do that. I hope to audition for WAAPA (West Australian Academy of Performing Arts) near the end of this year and I really do hope I ma successful. If I am I will attend uni 5 days a week for 10 hours each day (yes that is 50 hours per week, 8 am to 6pm everyday). While this is quite a load to take on, it scares and excites me at the same time. The idea of all that time devoted to acting? I love that idea! Of course, the scary thing is not being able to have my own life, or a decent income during the 3 year course, but I know that at the end of it, it'll be worth it (I hope). Because even though it is very difficult to make it in the industry, it is not impossible, and I am very, very determined to make it.

So now you have experienced one of my minds tangents, I'll bring you back to what I was saying before; Acting is the hobby I have stuck by. But unfortunately, until now, there has been nothing for me to do with acting. I have been unable to audition for any local productions as I went away on a 3 month holiday with the family earlier this year. But that should hopefully change. There are two plays coming up that I would like to audition for, so I will. And in the mean-time, I shall begin rehearsing my audition pieces for my WAAPA audition. And since I am recently unemployed, I have a lot more time on my hands, so I will continue trying out my other interests and keep you posted :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


So I've decided to make a blog. Not that you who read this (if any) may actually care. But maybe you will. If you like what I say. But if you don't, you don't. Everyone has their own opinion and are entitled to believe in what they want to believe in.
I hope some of you internet go-ers out there will read this, and I hope it will make you smile. Beacuse the world is a brighter place if you smile. If you smile, the sun shines more and the days are brighter (this is the real cause of global warming, and people want to stop it? ). If you laugh, you feel happier, and brighter yourself. If you make someone else smile or laugh, well then, let the flood of warm fuzzies begin! But unfortunately, we cannot alone concentrate on smiling. For not everybody smiles and these people need to learn and it is our job to teach them the smile! So smile on my friends! Smile on :)
Ok, so I might have gotten a little carried away there, but its not a bad motto to live by. All the problems in the world can be solved if kept simple. Ignor all the trash and focus on the essence. Smile.